Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The other night I had the strangest dream...

I was driving passed some land that my family used to own with my partner's sister Mog. As I looked down into the field I noticed a Turtle, "Tortoise," an inner voice corrected. It was quite narrow and predominantly black, it was male. As my gaze wandered, I noticed another Tortoise, this was a female. She was very light tan in colour, much wider and flatter; "hugging the Earth," informed the voice. Pleased by my finds but feeling that they were not safe where they were, I decided to take them with me, thinking I could keep them as a pair. When I place the male near the female, he attacked her; "snapping", said the voice distinctly. I carefully placed them in boxes and stowed them in the car.

We continued on our drive and approached some houses. The house next to the one we intended to visit had a name plaque reading Phaidos; "note the Greek significance," stated the voice, and, "it's very high up," somewhat less committal. When we tried to enter the house of our destination, I noticed Christmas lights strung across the driveway - two foot from the ground... "Can you manage," Mog inquired, "Yes," I replied, "I can get over this..."

Symbolic of Mother Earth, the Turtle implies the opportunity for something new to manifest within approximately one months time. There is an implication of a link to the lunar cycle with this Totem and as such could represent the birth or creation of a child. A perceived opportunity is a real opportunity, not an act of imagination; be prepared to take advantage of this. It is a good time to express and act on your ideas, a good time to implement changes. Slow down and steady yourself to the rhythm of the Earth; if you have trust you will find what you seek.

There seem to be several messages within this dream, some of which I understand and some I'm not so sure of, so I'm open to suggestions...

The lights create an obstacle, here occurring as potentially symbolising Christmas and approach (driveway/entrance) and my assumption is that this represents the miscarriage which finally came to pass at this time. While I would not say that I am over the experience, my hormones are beginning to settle which allows me the clarity and strength to deal with what has occurred.

The Greek language used could represent my partner and/or his sister as they both have Greek ancestry and their fathers name has a similar spelling, however this didn't raise any sensations within me as I pondered it, so I decided to delve a little deeper...I Googled it...

This is what I found...

"I still cannot, in accordance with the maxim at Delphi, know myself. I therefore think it ridiculous, as long as I don't know that, to devote my attention to something that is foreign to me."Plato : Phaidos, 230a (Socrates is talking).

Bi-focality or a consciousness of both the empirical ego and the own-Self, represents a higher panorama in which the empirical ego is completely integrated, giving less afflictive emotions, goodness and a deep, clear, open & strong mind. The own-Self is thus a "higher" Self.

This seemed to resonate more strongly with me, particularly since the word "higher" was emphasised within the dream. Equally since meeting my partner I have struggled to maintain the higher-self consciousness, I had held prior to that. In this instance he would represent the foreign (double significance if his Greek heritage is taken into account) presence to which I then began devoting my attention. The distraction from myself and my life purpose.

The snapping depicted by the first Tortoise, could in this scenario represent the more masculine qualities presenting as a result of ego, control dramas, power struggles and afflicting emotions, to which my higher self was not prone. This would suggest that I am therefore attacking myself as a result of this division of self.

The Turtle reminds me to return to the Earth, to the feminine, the more open and loving aspects of my true nature. The next step is to work out how to unite both aspects...to re-find the peace I once found. The good news is that my "higher" self, the aspect of me that was able to lift myself high enough, to overcome the obstacle created by the light; believes that I can get over these difficulties.

Once again I am tested as I travel my chosen path.


At 10:16 AM , Blogger Caroline said...

Glad you wrote that up - I was trying to recall what you'd said the Greek word was.


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