Wild Mother Lightning?
I was eight or nine the first time I was struck by lightning...
My Dad and I were down the field collecting a dead Ewe in the pick-up.The sky was grey and somber, the clouds engorged with rain. We'd just put the sheep in the back, as the skies opened and the rain came thundering down. "Jump out then Nat's," my father said as we pulled up before the gate and he nosed the truck further under the trees...
The wretched stench of sulphur engulfed me as light exploded before my eyes. I was lucky it wasn't a direct hit. Even so the force was enough to lift me three foot in the air and slam me five foot backwards into the side of the truck.
I was stunned...
My Dad made little of it at the time, trying to keep things calm as the storm raged around us. He later admitted that he'd never been so close, or quite so scared.
Some time later, around puberty, I noticed that when I was angry the clouds would start to gather and during times of sorrow, the skies would share my grief. I passed this of as a fluky coincidence, a strange or quirky thing. Another ten years came and went and while the weather matched my moods, the seasons drifted by. At twenty eight or there abouts, I experienced a Shamanic awakening during which my body twitched as it went through a series of convulsions. I felt as though I'd been hit again...
I didn't have much joy with light bulbs after that and Tesco's returns team got mighty sick of me, as I systematically blew up all my electrical goods. The engineers at B.T. renamed my home Thunder Road during the four years of my residence; damage causing lightning strikes increased at least threefold, they were out to me five times in just one week. I still have problems with the stereo, give people electric shocks and set off car alarms just by walking by but I can live with that, for now.
I only became aware that I might have some element of control over it when I fell out with my man... We weren't living together at the time and we'd had a blazing row.
I was enraged!!!
I picked up my drum and began to play, faster and faster, the beater drove me on, as my arms grew stiff and heavy and my motions just a blur. My intention was to release the tension, the energy build up inside, to let go of my fury and my pain. The drum thundered on, carrying me with it, swept up in my rage and my wrath...
Suddenly it stopped, the pent up feeling was gone...
I text my partner and told him I felt better, that I was calm now, "...could we talk?" He rang me laughing, "just before you text me, a huge thunderbolt hit the empty house across the road, the power's down for five blocks in each direction! I'm glad that you feel better though," he told me with great glee. I was horrified, thunderstruck; had I done it or was it just another fluke and what would have happened if, God forbid, my aim had been much better? It really had me worried.
I learnt to control my temper...(ish)...
The next time I was hit was a year or so later, I was driving up to school to collect Zach...
I could feel it in the air, it had rumbled on all day and I forced myself to get behind the wheel. I kept reminding myself that the car has rubber tires but it wouldn't stop the churning of my gut. As I pulled into the last turning, some excruciating four minutes later, I began to heave a sigh of relief...
...to soon...
Crash! Bang!
The lightning exploded beside me as I turned the final bend. I saw the air crackle and caught the toxic fumes, as the car tilted up onto two wheels. I leaned into the corner and tried to shift my weight, I felt the car recover with relief. It scared the life out of me.
A Shaman once told me that the third hit will come with my final awakening, I can't say that I'm looking forward to that day...although she says that lightning will not harm me...
I am searching for information, or anyone who has any experience of what it means to be a "Lightning Weaver" or a "Follower of the Lightning Path." These are the only Shamanic references that I have for what has occurred but I cannot find any details in print. I'd really like some insight if it's out there.
Wow, Natalie.....great story!
Blessings Natalie...ur story makes perfect sense to me. i am aware of ur spirit guides and power sources based on ur amazing story...and none of it was a fluke...there are no accidents...if u would like insight into this by way of my tradition i am available for a reading. my site is www.honeywaterhealing.com
may great spirit continue to protect and guide you through your life experiences....amma
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